Sunday, April 13, 2014

I've got 99 problems but your BITCH ASS ain't one.


I am ON one today. I am frustrated and angry. I am sick and tired of people and their bullshit. The following blog is a GIANT FUCKING deal with it.

I know it's a CRAZY idea for some people to wrap their heads around........yeah I know......a divorced person is allowed to move on?! Say what?! Just because something doesn't work out.....doesn't mean something better won't come along. It does......and in my case it did.

My life is in such a magical place right now.....I just want to take a photograph of it so I can keep it and treasure this moment in time forever. I am healthy, happy, and at peace with myself. At the end of the day.....that is all that matters.

I will not apologize for moving on. I will not say I'm sorry for waking up and realizing I deserved better. I am human. I have feelings like everyone else. We all reach a level in our lives when enough is enough. We sit with ourselves and have to be honest with ourselves. I was NOT happy. I repeat....I was NOT happy. I was miserable actually. I gave everything I had to a situation. I fought hard for it......and at the end of the day....the necessary changes never came. I was the only one fighting. The only one trying. So I packed up and moved on.......and did what was best for ME. I became selfish....fucking sue me. I realized what I knew all along.....I am a good woman with A LOT to offer a partner in life....and I deserved better. I deserved my happy ending....and I would stop at nothing to get it.

It is a BIG decision to walk away from a marriage....from a life you thought you were building with someone else. It took me MANY MANY months to come to that decision.....but when I felt it in my head and my heart I knew that walking away was the right choice for me. It's ok to be selfish. It is OK to think of what is best for you and to act on it. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact....if someone tries to tell you otherwise....flash them the middle finger and tell them to sit on it and twist.

With ALL of that said....I need to address a serious issue. MOVING ON. It makes me sad that people don't know when to move on. When enough is enough. I am an individual and I have EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to be on the pursuit of happiness. I can move on. There is nothing that states when someone is allowed to move much time one person must dwell in the land of stagnancy and self-pity. I don't owe anyone ANYTHING. I repeat.......I don't owe ANYONE ANYTHING. I walked away with my head held should all probably do the same.....and know who you are. Those of you that still hang on every word I say. Those of you OBSESSED with what I'm doing with my life. Those of you who clearly have nothing else going on in your lives and you feel the need to get all up in my business and run your mouths about how I've chosen to live my life after walking away. For you........I tell you this.....MOVE THE FUCK ON. I've got 99 problems and your bitch ass ain't one of them. life is fucking amazing and I have no problems at all.....but you're ALL annoying so just go away already.

Now that I have cleared the air about that issue....I would like to address one last issue. That issue is the one of beating a dead horse over the head with a stick.

Disclaimer #2:

This next portion of my ranty-pants blog may or may not apply to you. If it does.....sorry I'm not sorry. Deal with it.

I have moved on with my life. I am insanely blessed. I am happy. My heart is FULL of laughter and love. My family bonds are closer than ever. I adore my family. They are my rock. My support system. My mother and my sister are my best friends.....and without their jokes, hugs, and constant love I would feel very lost. My friends are SO FUCKING AMAZING. They bring so much joy to my life. They are the first to toast to the all the bitch ass hoes that hate me the most. They keep me grounded and for that I am forever grateful to all of those who have chosen to make a space for me in their hearts.....I love EVERY one of you so very much.

ALLLLLLLL of that said.......I do not wish to discuss my past. I've moved on. Grieved it. Joked about it. Laughed and cried about it.....and moved on. That whole experience helped shape the woman that I am. I learned so much about myself throughout that whole process. As hurt as I was by everything.....after the dust settled I discovered I needed that experience. I needed that to grow as a woman, as a partner, and as a friend. I don't regret a single moment of that experience because I am a better woman due to the experience. But for the love of god.......can we all please just move on?! Yeah I'm 27 and divorced. didn't work out for me. Yes I was strong enough to recognize the difference between right and wrong. I decided to put my big girl panties on and accept the "loss" because I knew in the long run I not only deserved better....but eventually I would find it. I became the woman my mother raised me to be.....the strong, independent, vivacious woman who REFUSES to settle for anything less than the best.

I want to leave the past in the past. I think sometimes that is the biggest mistake we make as individuals. We can't allow the past to just remain in the past. I am not one of those people that likes to dwell on things. I don't want to continue rehashing things that quite frankly don't deserve another second of my time. It is in the past for a reason. Let us leave it there shall we? Do me a favor.....let it go. I should too.

So to put this insanely LONG (sorry I'm not sorry about it) ranty-pants blog to bed.......


Enjoy RIGHT now....this very moment in time. In the blink of an eye it will be gone. So live in the now.

"With everything that has happened to can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened to you as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. YOU get to choose" - Wayne Dyer

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