Monday, November 10, 2014

It's my BIRTHDAY and I'll blog if I want to.

Today I woke up feeling 28. Like really feeling 28. Not only because I turn 28 today....but I'm REALLLLLY feeling 28. Despite the fact that I officially have to accept that I am in my "late 20s", I am feeling so fucking fabulous in my own skin. I am so proud of the woman that I have become. I look back on the road it took to get here and I just can't help but be so proud. I've endured and tackled so much....I honestly never thought I would make it to this place. This place of absolute love and happiness. I've learned to love and respect myself.....for all that I this moment in time. There has been so much growth in my personal relationships. I couldn't be happier with them. My family is amazing. My friends are the shit.

So I've decided that since I'm turning 28 this year I would share 28 random facts about myself on my blog.

28 for 28

  • I have 3 big scars on my body......all from being a dare devil.
  • When I was younger I used to convince my little sister to keep my secrets by hanging her upside down over our balcony until she cried. (I'm surprised she loves me)
  • I've always been a writer. When I was little I used to write plays for the neighborhood kids and I to perform for our parents.
  • I used to collect tiny pine cones. I honestly believed they were treasures and were worth serious money. I would collect them by the basketful around my neighborhood and then bury them in my backyard. I'm pretty sure you can find THOUSANDS of these buried in my mom's backyard.

  • My very first tattoo was inside of my mouth on my bottom lip. I got it when I was 19. It says "ALVM" which stands for "Amo la Vita Mia". Right before my first hospitalization I used to say "Fuck My Life" all the time. My dad told me instead of saying something so negative why not say "Love My Life" I got it tattooed as a reminder to always love my life. 

  • I sing Hall & Oats "Man Eater" like at least twice a day in my car. And when I say sing....I mean I BUST THE FUCK OUT. I have problems.
  • I'm allergic to jalapenos. 
  • I have a love/hate relationship with in 98% of the time I hate it....but then that 2% I can't get enough of it and I drink gallons of it. Like to the point of getting sick. Oh and did I mention it HAS TO have ice in it?
  • I can tow a boat, back it in and launch it. My dad refused to let me get my drivers license until I learned how to tow a boat. We would drive up to the supermarket parking lot at night and he would teach me how to make turns, back it in, all that jazz.
  • I once did Karaoke in Korea Town. My song of choice was "Gangsta's Paradise". I dropped the mic to the ground when I was done. Like. A. Boss.
  • Once upon a time I was detained by Fullerton Police for throwing a glass at someones face.
  • I'm deathly afraid of lawn gnomes.....although I did try to get over that fear by forcing my sister to watch "Gnomeo & Juliet" with me like 10 times. You're welcome Kathy.
  • I have 2 dogs. A Maltipoo named Milo and a Pitbull named Josie. 
  • I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I think at the end of the day your soul floats out of your body when you die and goes to where it is happiest. Like I can only imagine that mine would float to a world full of glitter and disco balls and lots of Donna Summer music. Oh and cupcakes. Lots of cupcakes. No judgement......just cupcakes.
  • I keep a memory jar. I've been filling it with things throughout this year. Little memories. Fun places I've gone. Things I have done. People I have shared special moments with. I will be opening this jar on December 31st. That way I can re-live all of the wonderful memories of this year. I think we tend to let the bad overshadow the good sometimes.....and I'm over that. This year I plan to ring in the new year by remembering the wonderful moments of 2014..... and a fresh, empty jar to fill with memories of 2015.
  • I can kill most bugs....but ants REALLY freak me out. I'm not sure what it is about them but they really spook me.
  • I hate sweetened Iced Tea. It bothers me a lot. 
  • Skydiving is on my bucket list. I seriously need to get on that.
  • I cry at the end of the Little Mermaid. EVERY single time I watch it. Right at the part King Triton swims up to the boat to hug Ariel. I LOSE MY SHIT. Like Ugly Kim Kardashian cry.
    (I may have gotten misty-eyed just google searching this photo. Sue me for having feelings)
  • One time I tried to be a Vegan. Clearly being a Vegan didn't last long....about 3 weeks to be exact...I missed meat too much. 
  • I sing and dance in my car daily. I have absolutely no shame. I frequently point at people in traffic and sing to them. I just feel that we aren't going anywhere so we might as well enjoy ourselves. 
  • When someone responds to my text with "K" I get VERY VERY upset. I hate it. It bothers me to no end. Like how hard could it possibly be to just type "OK"? I mean really. It is 1 extra letter.
  • I have a serious emoji problem. I'm not quite sure how I made it through life before emojis existed.
  • I HATE the mall. I do not enjoy window shopping. I am not one of those girls that can walk around for hours. NO. I park. Go to the store I need to go to. Buy what I need. And walk out. I do not pass go and I do not collect a cinnabon.
  • Secret: I've always wanted to be a wedding planner. 
  • If my glass isn't filled to the rim with ice I'm not happy. I am OBSESSED with ice.
  • My sister is my best friend in the whole wide world......She is my whole life. Forever and For Always.  (PS: sorry for hanging you over the balcony all those times. I love you)
  • "Always tackle every obstacle with a smile. Life is too fucking short to do any less than your best." - These are the words I live by.

I never understood when people asked "do you feel any older?" every birthday. How on Earth do you feel older and wiser? I feel just like I did when I went to sleep. I never understood that until this very moment in time. I woke up this morning and reflected on the last year of my life. The decisions I've made, things I have done, the path I have chosen to travel. A year ago, I would've never guessed my life would be the way it is now.....and let me tell you.....I wouldn't change a fucking thing about it. My life couldn't be more full of love....and I am so grateful for that. I'm in such a different place now than I was just one year ago.....and I couldn't be any happier with that.

For the first time ever I feel life has truly fallen into place. Everyone I have chosen to surround myself with is meant to be in my life.....because they bring so much joy, laughter, excitement, and love to each new day.

I feel at home in my skin. I feel at peace with my life and where it is at this very moment in time. I'm excited now more than ever for my future because I finally feel my world is complete.

So to answer the question....yes. I do feel older and wiser than I did one year ago. Cheers to 28!!! May the next 28 be just as magical, life changing, and fulfilling as the last 28 have been!

"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of the strength within you that survives all hurt " - Max Lerner