I know there are some sappy ridiculous quotes that say "Stop searching....when you least expect it....it will find you." I used to believe that was a crock of shit.......but it's actually true. I know it's true because it happened to me. When you stop searching for it.....it comes to you. Unexpectedly. Unannounced. Happiness just shows up.....and I couldn't be more thrilled about it.
I've spent so many years of my life searching....as I know many of you have. Searching for acceptance, guidance, happiness, love, joy, peace. Have you ever noticed when you stop looking for something you find it? I once spent WEEKS searching for my favorite necklace. I had given up hope and considered the necklace a total loss. Randomly this one day I was going through a box and boom....there it was. No idea why or how on earth it wound up there......but I was so excited to find it. I think that's the way life is supposed to work. When we stop searching for things to fulfill us they randomly make their way into our lives.
I really do believe that everything in life happens for a reason. We endure the good and the bad in our lives because they build us. They all shape us into the people we are. Sometimes we just aren't ready for the things we desire most. Sometimes we have to endure certain trials and tribulations in order to make sure we are ready for the things to come. We have to grow....mature...evolve. God has GREAT things in store for us. He just wants to make sure we are ready and able to appreciate them. I really believe that.
I have been so insanely happy. Every aspect of my life has taken an amazing turn for the better. Work, Friends, Love.....all an amazing shift. I'm starting to believe it is because I reached a point in my life where I stopped searching and just allowed life to take its course.
Happiness is to me............just being happy. Truly loving yourself for all that you are.....in every moment of your life. Happiness is embracing all.....and just letting yourself be truly free. It takes a lot for a person to go through difficult times and still find the good in the experience. I can tell you right now....that everything I have been through....everything I have endured.....has brought me to this moment in my life....and I couldn't be happier. I am the happiest I have ever been. I am beginning to see the good in the bad.....the brilliance that can come from something once tarnished. I've learned that the only person who can define your happiness is you and you alone.
Once you reach the point of total freedom in your head and your heart you can truly appreciate the amazing things that life has to offer. We can all sit and dwell on the things that
I feel sometimes the unexpected just appears into our lives not by coincidence......but by fate.
Fate works in crazy ways.
Happiness to me.....allowing myself to have faith in fate. Knowing that there is always something bigger in the stars for me. The security in my heart of knowing I am FUCKING BLESSED. Happiness to me is allowing myself to finally appreciate the amazing things that have come into my life......because I deserve them.
What is happiness to you? What makes you smile and warms your heart and soul? Allow yourself to stop searching for the things that make you happy or searching for the reasons things didn't work out and just live in the now. Live in the present. Soon enough.....I promise happiness will appear....in the least likely place. Unexpectedly. Unannounced.
"The moments of happiness we enjoy the most take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them......but that they seize us" -Ashley Montagu